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2025.08.25 - 2025.08.299. Summer School on Statistical Methods for Linguistics and Psychology (SMLP).
2025.03.18 - 2025.03.19Variation in Language Acquisition 6 (ViLA6)
2024.11.04 - 2024.11.056th SFB Networking Workshop (Potsdam, Cologne, Saarbrücken, Berlin, Frankfurt, Bielefeld).
2024.10.1822nd SFB Colloquium - Prof. Charles Yang (University of Pennsylvania). Title: Discovering the Limit of Language Variation.
2024.10.16SFB Guest Talk with Prof. Charles Yang (University of Pennsylvania). Title: The learnability of syntactic islands.
2024.10.10 - 2024.10.11SFB Retreat
2024.09.23SFB Guest Talk with Rodrigo Gutiérrez Bravo (El Colegio de México). Title: Not in the complementizer system: Information Structure features in Spanish clefts and pseudo-clefts.
2024.09.09 - 2024.09.138. Summer School on Statistical Methods for Linguistics and Psychology (SMLP).
2024.07.18SFB Guest Talk with Dr. Gert-Jan Schoenmakers (Utrecht University). Title: An experimental investigation of discourse-based claims about certain filler-gap dependencies.
2024.07.05SFB Guest Talk with Gaja Jarosz (University of Massachusetts Amherst) on ​​the topic: The Joint Roles and Type and Token Frequency in Generalization and Learning.
2024.06.26Short-Term Fellows presentation about their work during their stay at the SFB.
2024.04.2621st SFB Colloquium - Prof. Sharon Peperkamp gave a lecture on: Word recognition in late bilinguals.
2024.04.19MGK Talk: Kriszta Szendröi speaks on the topic: Oblivious Sexism in Academia 101, and how I somehow scraped a pass at the exam.
2024.03.26 - 2024.03.27MGK-Workshop: Ordinal Models Hands-On Workshop with João Veríssimo
2024.03.14 - 2024.03.15Workshop: Phonotactics - Variability and its Limits.
2024.02.22 - 2024.02.23Linguistic Evidence 2024.
2024.01.19SFB Guest Talk with Prof. Dr. Göz Kaufmann (University of Freiburg) on ​​the topic: In the thickness of it: scope rivalry in past counterfactuals of Pomerano.
2024.01.16SFB Guest Lecture with Prof. Dr. Marco García García on the topic: Delimiting the variability of Differential Object Marking in Romance.
2023.11.16SFB Guest Talk with Prof. Niels O. Schiller (Leiden University) on the topic: The activation and selection of grammatical gender as a lexico-syntactic feature in speech production – new evidence from Dutch.
2023.11.10SFB Guest Talk with Prof. Dr. Sam Featherston (Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen) on the topic: Peeping into the black box: Judgments and the structure of the grammar.
2023.10.12 - 2023.10.13SFB Retreat
2023.09.11 - 2023.09.157. Summer School on Statistical Methods for Linguistics and Psychology (SMLP).
2023.08.255th SFB Networking Workshop (Potsdam SFB 1287, Berlin SFB 1412, Cologne SFB 1252, Saarbrücken SFB 1102).
2023.08.21 - 2023.08.25UMLV Summer School 2023.
2023.08.14SFB Short-Term Fellow Talk with Alice Karbanova (University of Berno) on the topic: Investigating the integration of lyrics and musical tune in song comprehension.
2023.07.12SFB Guest Lecture with Gabriel Martínez Vera (Newcastle University) on the topic: Evidentiality in the Spanish of the Americas: a comparative approach to dizque and como que.
2023.07.11SFB Guest Lecture with Prof. Barbara Citko (University of Washington) on the topic: On the Interaction between Multidominance and Ellipsis.
2023.07.04SFB Short-Term Fellow Talk with Hailin Hao (University of Southern California) on the topic: Similarity-Based Interference in the Processing of Classifier-Noun Dependencies in Mandarin Chinese.
2023.06.22SFB Guest Talk with Tal Linzen (NYC) on the topic: Surprisal does not explain syntactic disambiguation difficulty.
2023.06.07 - 2023.06.0910th TripleA Workshop at the University of Potsdam
2023.05.16Workshop: Developing apps for speech language therapy.
2023.05.06Potsdam Science Day – This year the following projects are represented at this event: B01, B02, B04, C06, C08, and T01.
2023.03.30 - 2023.03.31SFB Retreat
2023.03.13MGK Workshop: Migrating from Linguistics into Data Science and Tech with Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss, Valerie Hekkel, Vera Scholvin.
2023.01.25 - 2023.03.13openHPI course on: Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis.
2023.01.19SFB Guest Talk with Jiro Inaba (Tokyo University) on the topic: Verbal ellipsis and directionality.
2022.12.13SFB Guest Talk with Prof. Michael Walsh Dickey (University of Pittsburgh) on the topic: Event knowledge and adaptive language processing in aphasia.
2022.12.07SFB Guest Talk with Chundra Cathcart (University of Zurichy, Switzerland) on the topic: The evolution of similar place avoidance: phylogenetic approaches to phonotactic change.
2022.11.09SFB Guest Talk with J.R. Hayashishita (Otago University, New Zealand) with the topic: Plans for experimental investigations into the interpretation of quantifiers.
2022.11.08SFB Guest Talk with J.R. Hayashishita (Otago University, New Zealand) with the topic: Discourse anaphora and the computational system.
2022.11.01 - 2022.11.10The BabyLab is taking part in the Berlin Science Week in collaboration with the Humboldt University and the Leibniz-ZAS. Alan Langus (C03) and Mireia Marimon (UP) will represent our department.
2022.09.12 - 2022.09.166. Summer School on Statistical Methods for Linguistics and Psychology (SMLP).
2022.09.01Three to four-month short-term scholarships in the SFB 1287 for doctoral students from foreign universities.
2022.08.23 - 2022.08.24Workshop: Basics of Artificial Neural Networks / Deep Learning
2022.07.19SFB Guest Talk with Dr. Sergey Say (SFB 1287 Fellow) on the topic: Cross-linguistic variability of valency class systems.
2022.07.04 - 2022.07.054th SFB Networking Workshop – Berlin | ZAS Berlin – Workshop of the linguistic CRCs (Ling SFB Meetup 2022)
2022.06.30SFB Guest Lecture with Prof. Megha Sundara (UCLA) on the topic: The acquisition of phonotactics.
2022.06.29SFB Guest Lecture with Prof. Dubi Nanda Dhakal (Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu) on the topic: Complexities of verb agreement in Majhi.
2022.06.24SFB Guest Talk with Prof. Elaine Francis (Purdue University) on the topic: Understanding variation in acceptability judgments from different theoretical perspectives.
2022.06.22SFB Guest Talk with Prof. Ad Neeleman (University College London) on the topic: What Divides, and What Unites, Right-Node Raising (Authors: Zoë Belk, Ad Neeleman, and Joy Philip (UCL)).
2022.06.17SFB Guest Talk with Prof. Amir Zeldes (Georgetown U) on the topic: So ignore my hair right now – why genre variation in discourse structure, relationships and signals matters.
2022.06.1720th SFB Colloquium - Prof. Ad Neeleman (University College London) gave a lecture on: Compactness is Linear.
2022.05.25Defense of Paula Lissón entitled: Computational Models of Sentence Comprehension in Aphasia.
2022.05.23Guest lecture by Prof. Niels O. Schiller. Title: Crosstalk of codes: phonological and orthographic contributions to speech production.
2022.05.23SFB Guest Talk with Prof. Dr. Joana Cholin (Bielefeld University). Title: The mental syllabary theory - evidence and open questions.
2022.05.18 - 2022.05.20This year's MGK project week will take place from May 18th to 20th on the Golm campus. There will be, among other things, three workshops (reproducible workflow, data visualization and science communication), as well as a panel on career planning with various SFB 1287's PIs.
2022.05.07Several SFB projects will also be presenting their research at this year's Potsdam Science Day (PTDW) on May 7th from 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy. Admission is free. Many presentations are also very suitable for children.
2022.05.06The Potsdam part of the ReproducibiliTea Journal Club will hold its first meeting of 2022 on May 6th (Friday) at 3:15 p.m. We will discuss the following paper: Grimes, D. R., Bauch, C. T., & Ioannidis, J. P. (2018). Modeling science trustworthiness under publish or perish pressure. Royal Society Open Science, 5(1), 171511. The Potsdam ReproducibiliTea Journal Club is supported by the MGK project of the SFB 1287.
2022.05.05Daniela Mertzen (Project B03) successfully defended her dissertation on the topic: A cross-linguistic investigation of similarity-based interference in sentence comprehension. Congratulations!
2022.05.03SFB associates Dr. Nicole Gotzner receives Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize.
2022.04.2919th SFB Colloquium - Prof. Ira Noveck (CNRS) gave a lecture on: The various ways in which conventional meanings recruit pragmatic information.
2022.04.26Workshop: Introduction to ERP with Yana Arkhipova (Project B04)
2022.04.2618th SFB Colloquium - Prof. Dr. Niels Schiller (Leiden University) gave a lecture on: The processing of morphosyntactic features during language production.
2022.04.20Workshop with Emily P. Ahn (University of Washington). Title: Phonetic Forced Alignment with the Montreal Forced Aligner.
2022.03.08SFB Guest Lecture with Maria Varkanitsa (Aphasia Research Laboratory at Boston University). She gave a lecture on: Syntactic predictions and asyntactic comprehension in aphasia.
2022.02.17SFB Guest Talk with M. Florencia Assaneo (Head of the Lab de Percepción y Producción de Habla at the UNAM Campus Jur iquilla in México). She gave a lecture on: Neural and cognitive correlates of the speech auditory-motor synchronization.
2022.02.1117th SFB Colloquium - Dr. Evan Kidd gave a lecture on: The development of online parsing in crosslinguistic context.
2022.02.01SFB Guest Talk with Dr. Evan Kidd. Title: Individual differences in infants’ lexical processing.
2022.01.17SFB Guest Lecture with Sophia Voigtmann (SFB 1102, Saarland University). She gave a lecture on: Information Density and the Extraposition of Relative Clauses.
2021.09.06 - 2021.09.105. Summer School on Statistical Methods for Linguistics and Psychology (SMLP).
2021.08.30 - 2021.08.312. South Asian Forum on the Acquisition and Processing of Language (SAFAL).
2021.07.15 - 2021.07.163rd SFB Networking Workshop (Potsdam SFB 1287, Cologne SFB 1252, Saarbrücken SFB 1102).
2021.05.25We are pleased to announce that the DFG Grants Committee has approved our Collaborative Research Center and would like to thank all reviewers, rapporteurs and the DFG. We are pleased to be able to continue the successful research on the topic: The limits of variability in language for another four years.
2021.04.13 - 2021.04.15Shravan Vasishth gave a tutorial at EMLAR2021 (Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research) in Utrecht on the topic of Bayesian Statistics. The workshop was broadcast online due to the current Covid-19 situation.
2021.02.23 - 2021.02.26Schubö, F., Zerbian, A., Hanne, S., Wartenburger, I. - Organization of the workshop: Prosodic boundary phenomena, at the 43rd annual conference of the German Language Society (DGfS): Model and Evidence / Model and Evidence, University of Freiburg , Germany.
2020.11.27Online introductory seminar for all PhD's and Postdoc's presented by Alma Lindborg.
2020.11.27Joint Colloquium of SFB 1287 and SFB 1294 represented by Nikolaus Kriegeskorte (Zuckerman Institute, Columbia University New York).
2020.09.22All AMLaP 2020 talks are now online in our media library or on mediaUP!
2020.09.07 - 2020.09.114th Summer School on Statistical Methods for Linguistics and Psychology (SMLP).
2020.09.03 - 2020.09.05Architecture and Mechanisms of Language Processing (AMLaP).
2020.08.31 - 2020.09.021st South Asian Forum on the Acquisition and Processing of Language (SAFAL).
2020.02.24Dr. David Peeters (Tilburg University & MPI for Psycholinguistics, The Netherlands) gave a lecture on: Virtual Reality: A Promising Tool for the Study of Language Production.
2020.01.01Climate protection contribution: Like other research associations, the SFB1287 has decided not to use SFB funds to finance flights to destinations that are less than 1000km away (flight kilometers) and that can be reached within 12 hours by other means of transport from January 2020. A deviation from this rule for family (e.g. child care) or health reasons can be requested.
2019.12.17Daniela Sammler (Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig) gave a lecture on: Setting the tone: Neural bases for prosody.
2019.11.14 - 2019.11.152nd SFB-Networking Workshop (Potsdam SFB 1287, Cologne SFB 1252, Saarbrücken SFB 1102).
2019.10.25 - 2019.10.26SFB Workshop on: Multimethodological approaches to synchronic and diachronic variation.
2019.09.2016th SFB Colloquium - Dr. Heike Pichler (Newcastle University, UK) gave a lecture on: The conspiracy of internal and external factors in a discourse-pragmatic change: innit in Multicultural London English.
2019.09.19PreTalk to the 16th SFB Colloquium - Discussion on the topic: What is variability at the discourse level and how can we study it?.
2019.09.09 - 2019.09.133rd Summer School on Statistical Methods for Linguistics and Psychology (SMLP).
2019.08.26Ben Goodrich (Columbia University in the City of New York) gave a talk on: Gaussian Processes with Stan.
2019.08.09Xiayimaierdan Abudushalamu (Michigan State University) gave a talk on: Uyghur Speakers' Knowledge of Vowel and Vowel-Consonant Harmony.
2019.06.1415th SFB Colloquium - Whitney Tabor gave a lecture on: Modeling Ungrammaticality: A Self-Organizing Model of Islands.
2019.05.28Astrid van Alem (SynSem-Colloquium) gave a lecture on: Anti-agreement on complementizers in non-standard West-Germanic.
2019.05.24Workshop on data management plan (SFB members only) with Niklas Hartmann.
2019.05.1714th SFB Colloquium - Prof. Wolfram Hinzen (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, FIDMAG Germanes Hospitalaries Research Foundation, Benito Menni Hospital) gave a lecture on: Beyond the limits of neurotypical linguistic variation: uncharted territory.
2019.05.1013th SFB Colloquium - Prof. Brian Dillon (University of Massachusetts Amherst) gave a lecture on: The real-time computation of agreement dependencies: The view from acceptability judgments.
2019.04.29Dr. Göz Kaufmann (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) gave a lecture on: The MEND Corpus (Mennonite Plautdietsch in North and South America): Workshop on collection, management and analysis.
2019.04.10 - 2019.04.11Prof. Evelina Fedorenko (Harvard University) gave lectures on the topic: The human language system (SFB-Colloquium), Language processing in the brains of bilinguals and polyglots (PRIM-Colloquium), Can neuroimaging help aphasia researchers? (Neurolinguistics Colloquium).
2019.03.2212th SFB Colloquium - Prof. Martin Hilpert (University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland) gave a lecture on: Using token-based semantic vector spaces for corpus-linguistic analyses.
2019.03.21Hands-on Workshop - Prof. Martin Hilpert (University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland) gave a lecture on: Variability-based neighbour clustering (VNC), a bottom-up method to periodization in historical linguistics.
2019.03.19Luca Bevacqua (The University of Edinburgh) gave a talk on: WHO TO TALK ABOUT, AND HOW: Effects of information structure and sentence boundary on antecedent remention and referring expressions in Italian.
2019.02.25Kenan Hochuli (University of Zurich) gave a lecture on: Interactive configurations of market stall communication in Istanbul and Zurich.
2019.02.25Louise Eley (King’s College London) gave a lecture on: A linguistic ethnography of Frankfurt’s Bahnhofsviertel.
2019.02.14 - 2019.02.151st SFB Networking Workshop (Potsdam SFB 1287, Cologne SFB 1252, Saarbrücken SFB 1102).
2019.02.0711th SFB Colloquium - Prof. Dr. Stephen Lindsay (University of Victoria) gave a lecture on: Psychology's Renaissance: Progress towards Transparency and Replicability.
2019.01.23Carola de Beer (Project B01) was awarded the 2018 Dissertation Prize of Bielefeld University (Faculty of Linguistics and Literature) for her dissertation on: The communicative interaction of speech and gestures in people with aphasia.
2019.01.08Susanne Fuchs (ZAS - Leibniz Center for General Linguistics) gave a talk on: Changes and challenges in explaining speech variation: A brief review.
2018.12.12Garrett Smith (Connecticut) was awarded one of the open postdoctoral positions at the University of Potsdam. He gave a talk on his SFB-relevant work.
2018.12.11Jenny Yu (Western Sydney University, MARCS Institute) gave a lecture on: Native and non-native stress perception in German listeners.
2018.11.3010th SFB Colloquium - Dr. Melanie Weirich (Friedrich Schiller University Jena) gave a lecture on: Speaker identity, phonetic variability and social meaning.
2018.11.14Simon Ritter & Doris Mücke (Cologne) gave a talk on: Prosody in a dynamic systems account.
2018.11.14 - 2018.11.16Khalil Iskarous (University of Southern California) gave a 2.5 day workshop on: Dynamical Systems at the University of Potsdam.
2018.10.189th SFB Colloquium - Prof. Ben Rampton (King's College London) gave a lecture on: Linguistic Ethnography.
2018.10.178th SFB Colloquium - Prof. Ray Jackendoff (Tufts University/MIT) gave a lecture on: Extending the Parallel Architecture.
2018.09.10 - 2018.09.142nd Summer School on Statistical Methods for Linguistics and Psychology (SMLP).
2018.08.01 - 2018.10.31New short-term fellow at the SFB: Nantke Pecht (Maastricht University) in project A01.
2018.07.23 - 2018.07.24PyGaze Workshop: Creating experiments with OpenSesame and Python - A programming and eye tracking workshop hosted by the Vasishth laboratory and the SFB 1287.
2018.07.13Lara Schwarz (SFB 1287 short-term fellow) gave a talk on: Uniting the theoretical and the empirical through modeling with Gradient Symbolic Computation.
2018.07.117th SFB Colloquium - Prof. Matthew Goldrick (Northwestern University) gave a lecture on: Gradient Symbolic Computation: Dynamics of Distributed Symbol Systems.
2018.06.156th SFB Colloquium - Prof. Catherine Best (University of West Sydney) gave a lecture on: The Australian English accent and its effects on Australians' perception of vowels and words in other English accents.
2018.05.255th SFB Colloquium - Prof. Daniel Swingley (University of Pennsylvania) gave a lecture on: Phonetic variability and the poverty of the stimulus in constraining developmental hypotheses about language learning.
2018.05.15 - 2018.08.14Short-term fellows at the SFB: Lara Schwarz (Pennsylvania State University) in project B04, Xiayimaierdan Abudushalamu (Michigan State University) in project C03.
2018.04.23Prof. Daniel L. Everett (Trustee Professor of Sociology and Global Studies, Bentley University, Waltham, Mass) gave a lecture on: On the Role of Culture in Language and Cognition.
2018.02.224th SFB Colloquium - Prof. Cécile Fougeron (Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, CNRS/Sorbonne-Nouvelle, Paris) gave a lecture on: Variation in the production of vowels: multi-factorial approaches, from contextual to aging effects.
2018.02.143rd SFB Colloquium - Prof. Liesbeth Degand (University of Louvain) gave a lecture on: A multi-dimensional, multi-functional and multilingual annotation model for discourse markers in spoken language.
2018.01.25Prof. Sjef Barbiers gave a lecture on the topic: Adverbs in strange places.
2018.01.242nd SFB Colloquium - Prof. Holger Hopp (TU Braunschweig) gave a lecture on: L1 effects in L2 sentence processing - Yeti or iceberg?.
2018.01.23 - 2018.01.25Mercator Fellow - Prof. Sjef Barbiers visited the SFB.
2018.01.01The SFB is accepting 4 short-term fellows (each for 3 months): Nantke Pecht (Maastricht University) in project A01, Jenny Yu (Western Sydney University) in project B01, Lara Schwarz (Pennsylvania State University) in project B04, Xiayimaierdan Abudushalamu (Michigan State University) in project C03.
2017.12.18MGK-Workshop: Project management in academia: Tools of the trade for challenges.
2017.11.27MGK-Workshop: Academic writing: how to create good texts.
2017.11.241st Internal SFB Colloquium.
2017.11.171st SFB Colloquium - Dr. Filip Smolík (Czech Academy of Sciences) gave a lecture on: Experiments on gender, number, word order, and case marking in Czech toddlers.
2017.10.04Kick-off event of the SFB 1287.
2017.10.01SFB 1287 funded short-term fellowship.
2017.08.28 - 2017.09.011st Summer School on Statistical Methods for Linguistics and Psychology (SMLP).
2017.07.26Paul Mätzig (B02) won the Allen Newell Best Student-Led Paper Award.
2017.05.16Press release DFG.


University of Potsdam Department Linguistics Prof. Dr. Doreen Georgi Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 24-25 House 14, Room 3.33 14476 Potsdam
(+49) 331 977-2968