5. CRC-Networking Workshop

CRC-Networking Workshop (SaarbrückenBerlin – Cologne – Potsdam) on 25. August 2023 at the Potsdam University, Campus Griebnitzsee [Flyer]


  • CRC 1102 “Information Density and Linguistic Encoding”,
  • CRC 1252 “Prominence in Language”,
  • CRC 1287 “Limits of Variability in Language”
  • CRC 1412 “Register: Language Users’ Knowledge of Situational-Functional Variation”


  • Keynote talk with Kriszta Szendröi (University of Vienna): Variability in syntactic focus marking
  • Poster session (posters from the SFBs and the UMLV participants)
  • Discussion groups


University of Potsdam Department Linguistics Prof. Dr. Doreen Georgi Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 24-25 House 14, Room 3.33 14476 Potsdam
(+49) 331 977-2968 doreen.georgi@uni-potsdam.de