
Shift of borders in syntactic variability: A training approach

PI(s): Prof. Dr. Gisbert Fanselow & Prof. Dr. Reinhold Kliegl

The project studies the effects of repeated exposure (training) to unfamiliar/ unacceptable constructions on language production and the perception of grammaticality. We hypothesise that the production probability and acceptability of constructions that are unacceptable in a particular speaker’s variety can be increased by training, but only for those structures that are licensed by the overall grammatical system of the language since they figure in other varieties. To this end, we will focus on the development of an adequate training technique.


  • Peer-Reviewed: Papers, Journals, Books, Articles of the CRC
  • Talk or Presentation: Talks, Presentations, Posters of the CRC
  • SFB-Related: not produced in connection with the CRC, but are thematically appropriate
  • Other: Papers, Journals, Books, Articles of the CRC, but not peer-reviewed
Author(s)TitleYearPublished inLinksType
Brown, J. M. M., Fanselow, G., Hall, R., & Kliegl, R.Middle ratings rise regardless of grammatical construction: Testing syntactic variability in a repeated exposure paradigm.2021PLoS ONE, 16(5), e0251280. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0251280
Schad, D. J., Vasishth, S., Hohenstein, S., & Kliegl, R.How to capitalize on a priori contrasts in linear (mixed) models: A tutorial.2020Journal of Memory and Language, 110: 104038. DOI: 10.1016/j.jml.2019.104038
Brown, J. M. M.Stabilising response tendencies across the scale: two portraits of rating data in wh-questions.2020Invited talk at the University of Essex Language Sciences Colloquium, University of Essex, Essex, UK. 11 June.Talk or Presentation
Brown, J. M. M.Exposure effects and grammatical systems.2019Invited talk at the Workshop on ''Multimethodological approaches to synchronic and diachronic variation'', University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany. 25-26 October.Talk or Presentation
Brown, J. M. M., & Boll-Avetisyan, N.Artificial language learning experiments for testing the learnability of possible and impossible syntactic structures and previous exposure bias.2019Paper presented at the 3rd RTANJ-Workshop, Rtanj Mountain, Serbia. 04-07 July.
Talk or Presentation
Fanselow, G.Superiority (Subjacency) and the Grammar-Processing Divide.2018Invited talk at the Workshop ''Acceptability judgments in current linguistic theory'', Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcleona, Spain. 28 October.Talk or Presentation


University of Potsdam Department Linguistics Prof. Dr. Doreen Georgi Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 24-25 House 14, Room 3.33 14476 Potsdam
(+49) 331 977-2968 doreen.georgi@uni-potsdam.de