Dr. phil. Andreas Hölzl
Dr. phil. Andreas Hölzl
Current position: Postdoctoral Researcher
Universität PotsdamDepartment LinguistikSFB 1287 - Limits of Variability in LanguageCampus GolmHaus 14, Raum 3.20
Universität PotsdamDepartment LinguistikSFB 1287 - Limits of Variability in LanguageCampus GolmHaus 14, Raum 3.20
(+49) 331 977-2051
Research Interests
- Language Typology (e.g., negation, questions, classifiers, morphosyntax, word order)
- Areal Linguistics (e.g., mixed languages, linguistic convergence, linguistic ecology)
- Historical Comparative Linguistics (e.g., grammaticalization, etymology, reconstruction)
- Cognitive Linguistics (e.g., Conceptual Metaphors, Construction Grammar, Embodiment)
- The linguistic diversity of Asia (e.g., Tungusic, Sinitic/Chinese, Mongolic, Turkic, Indo-Aryan)
- The Manchu language and its historical and cultural background
- The study of underdescribed languages (e.g., Bwamu, Oromo)
- The description of endangered and recently extinct languages (e.g., Bala, Kyakala, Longjia, Luren)
- Postdoctoral Researcher
- University of Potsdam (UP)
- Department of Linguistics
- SFB 1287 – Limits of Variability in Language
- Integrated Research Training Group (MGK), board member
- Potsdam Graduate School (PoGS)
- German Research Foundation (DFG)
- Postdoctoral Researcher
- University of Zurich (UZH)
- Department of Comparative Language Science
- Distributional Linguistics Lab
- Indo-European Studies Group
- Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Language Evolution (ISLE)
- Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)
- Scientific assistant and lecturer
- Institute of Sinology
- Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU)
- Lecturer
- Institute of General and Typological Linguistics
- Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU)
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
- Linguistic Theory and Applied Linguistics
- Ph.D. thesis: „A typology of questions in Northeast Asia and beyond: An ecological perspective“
- Supervisor: Prof. Wolfgang Schulze
- Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU)
- Graduate School Language & Literature Munich (GSSL), Class of Language
- German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung)
- Chinese Studies
- Heilongjiang University, Harbin, China
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
- China Scholarship Council (CSC)
- Magister Artium (M.A.)
- Sinology, Linguistics, Indo-European Linguistics
- M.A. thesis: „Raum und Metaphorisierung im Mandschurischen: Areale, typologische und tungusische Perspektiven“
- Supervisor: Prof. Hans van Ess
- Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU)
- Postdoc representative of the SFB1287
- Member of the Editorial Board
- Advances in Historical Linguistics, Language Science Press, Berlin
- Contributor to the Linguistic Bibliography, Brill
- Lecturer at the Institute of General and Typological Linguistics, LMU
Awards and scholarships
- Paris, petites invitations, 2022.10.24-28
- École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS)
- Invitation by Prof. Hilary Chappell
- Doctoral scholarship
- German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen
- Volkes)
- International scholarships for stay in China
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
- China Scholarship Council (CSC)
- Einführung in die Konstruktionsmorphologie [Introduction to Construction Morphology] Seminar, summer term 2024, Department for Northern European Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin (HU) (guest lecture in a course by Prof. Muriel Norde)
- Einführung in die Linguistik [Introduction to linguistics] Lecture with integrated exercise, winter term 2023/2024, Department of Linguistics, University of Potsdam (UP) (two sessions as a substitute for Dr. Nina Adam)
- Sprachliche Diversität und Typologie [Linguistic diversity and typology] Seminar, summer term 2023, Institut für Romanistik, University of Potsdam (UP) (guest lecture in a course by Prof. Melanie Uth)
- Einführung in die Linguistik [Introduction to linguistics] Lecture with integrated exercise, winter term 2021/2022, Department of Linguistics, University of Potsdam (UP) (three sessions as a substitute for Prof. Gisbert Fanselow)
- Syntax [Syntax] Lecture with integrated exercise, 2 SWS, spring term 2020, Department of Comparative Language Science, University of Zurich (UZH)
- Semantik und Pragmatik [Semantics and pragmatics] Lecture with integrated exercise, 2 SWS, autumn term 2019, Department of Comparative Language Science, University of Zurich (UZH)
- Lesegruppe Mandschurisch 2 [Manchu reading group 2] Exercise, 2 SWS, spring term 2019 (with Yves Trachsel), Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich (UZH)
- Strukturkurs Mandschurisch [Structure course: Manchu] Exercise, 2 SWS, autumn term 2018, Department of Comparative Language Science, University of Zurich (UZH)
- Lesegruppe Mandschurisch 1 [Manchu reading group 1] Exercise, 2 SWS, autumn term 2018 (with Yves Trachsel), Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich (UZH)
- Chinesische Sprachgeschichte [Chinese language history] Proseminar, 2 SWS, summer term 2017, Institute of Sinology, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU)
- China und die Tungusen: Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur [China and the Tungusic peoples: Language, history, and culture] Proseminar, 2 SWS, winter term 2016/2017 Institut of Sinology, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU)
- Mandschurisch 1 [Manchu language 1] Language course, 2 SWS, winter term 2016/2017, Institute of Sinology, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU)
- Die Liao Dynastie und die Sprache der Khitan [The Liao dynasty and the language of the Khitan] Exercise, 2 SWS, winter term 2016/2017, Institute of Sinology, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU)
- Sprachtypologie und Kognition [Language typology and cognition] Proseminar, 2 SWS, winter term 2014/2015, Institute of General and Typological Linguistics, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU)
- Vertiefung Syntax [Advanced syntax] Proseminar, 2 SWS, summer term 2014, Institute of General and Typological Linguistics, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU)
Selected Publications
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2018. A typology of questions in Northeast Asia and beyond: An ecological perspective (Studies in Diversity Linguistics 20). Berlin: Language Science Press. https://langsci-press.org/catalog/book/174 , https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1344467
Edited Volumes
- Hölzl, Andreas & Thomas E. Payne (eds.). 2022. Tungusic languages: Past and present. (Studies in Diversity Linguistics 32). Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7025328 https://langsci-press.org/catalog/book/355
- Hölzl, Andreas & Peter-Arnold Mumm. 2018. Klasse Person: Festschrift für Wolfgang Schulze [Class(y) Person: Festschrift for Wolfgang Schulze]. International Journal of Diachronic Linguistics and Linguistic Reconstruction 15. (Special issue.) https://tinyurl.com/248br8dy
- Hölzl, Andreas, Matthias Klumm, Mara Matičević, Thomas Scharinger, Johannes Ungelenk & Nora Zapf (eds.). 2015. Politik der Metapher [The politics of metaphor] (Languagetalks 4). Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. https://tinyurl.com/233jzker
Journal Papers
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2023. Diachronic changes in constructional networks: Evidence from Manchuric nominal morphology. Constructions and Frames 15(2). 160–186. https://doi.org/10.1075/cf.00071.hol
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2022. The etymology of “Manchu”: A critical evaluation of the riverside hypothesis. International Journal of Eurasian Linguistics 4(2). 160-208. https://doi.org/10.1163/25898833-00420028
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2021. Longjia (China): Language Contexts. Language Documentation and Description 20. 13–34. http://www.elpublishing.org/itempage/224
- Cathcart, Chundra, Andreas Hölzl, Gerhard Jäger, Paul Widmer & Balthasar Bickel. 2020. Numeral classifiers and number marking in Indo-Iranian: A phylogenetic approach. Language Dynamics and Change 2020. 1–53. https://doi.org/10.1163/22105832-bja10013
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2020. Bala (China). Language snapshot. Language Documentation and Description 19. 162–170. http://www.elpublishing.org/PID/217
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2020. The unknown history of Cognitive Linguistics. Academia Letters. Article 8. https://doi.org/10.20935/AL8
- Hölzl, Andreas & Yadi Hölzl. 2019. A wedding ceremony of the Kyakala in China: Language and ritual. International Journal of Diachronic Linguistics and Linguistic Reconstruction 16. 87–144. https://doi.org/10.5167/uzh-180657
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2018. Udi, Udihe, and the language(s) of the Kyakala. International Journal of Diachronic Linguistics and Linguistic Reconstruction 15. 111–146.
- Hölzl, Andreas & Peter-Arnold Mumm. 2018. Vorwort [Preface]. International Journal of Diachronic Linguistics and Linguistic Reconstruction 15. xv–xx.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2017. New evidence on Para-Mongolic numerals. Journal de la Société Finno-Ougrienne 96. 97–113. https://doi.org/10.33340/susa.70222
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2016. Towards a new typology of questions. Bavarian Working Papers in Linguistics 5. 17–28. https://doi.org/10.5282/ubm/epub.25194
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2015. A typology of negation in Tungusic. Studies in Language 39(1). 117–157. https://doi.org/10.1075/sl.39.1.05hoe
Selected Book Chapters
- Hölzl, Andreas & Thomas E. Payne. 2022. Introduction. In Andreas Hölzl & Thomas E. Payne (eds.), Tungusic languages: Past and present, 1-20. Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7053359
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2022. ‘What’s your name?’ in Tungusic and beyond. In Andreas Hölzl & Thomas E. Payne (eds.), Tungusic languages: Past and present, 89-148. Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7053365
- Hölzl, Andreas. to appear. The complexification of Tungusic interrogative systems. In Dankmar Enke, Thilo Weber, Larry Hyman, Johanna Nichols & Guido Seiler (ed.), Language change for the worse (Studies in Diversity Linguistics). Berlin: Language Science Press. https://langsci-press.org/catalog/book/292
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2018. Constructionalization areas: The case of negation in Manchu. In Evie Coussé, Peter Andersson & Joel Olofsson (eds.), Grammaticalization meets Construction Grammar, 241–276. Amsterdam: Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/cal.21.c9
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2015. Ecological metaphors. In Andreas Hölzl, Matthias Klumm, Mara Matičević, Thomas Scharinger, Johannes Ungelenk & Nora Zapf (eds.), Politik der Metapher (Languagetalks 4), 173–191. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2023. Tungusic languages / Langues toungouses. In Anne Aarssen, René Genis & Eline van der Veken (Hrsg.), Linguistic Bibliography of the year 2022. Leiden: Brill. https://brill.com/edcollbook/title/64860
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2022. Tungusic languages / Langues toungouses. In Anne Aarssen, René Genis & Eline van der Veken (eds.), Linguistic Bibliography of the year 2021. Leiden: Brill. https://brill.com/view/title/61917
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2021. Tungusic languages / Langues toungouses. In Anne Aarssen, René Genis & Eline van der Veken (eds.), Linguistic Bibliography of the year 2020. Leiden: Brill. https://brill.com/view/title/60213
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2020. Tungusic languages / Langues toungouses. In Anne Aarssen, René Genis & Eline van der Veken (eds.), Linguistic Bibliography of the year 2019. Leiden: Brill. https://brill.com/view/title/57528
Invited Talks
- Hölzl, Andreas. in preparation. The architecture of interrogative systems. Linguistic Lecture Series, SVM Kolloquium, Universität Potsdam, 15.05.2024, Potsdam.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2023. Manchu as a contact language. Vortragsreihe über “Language Contact in Eurasia”, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 14.12.2023, Göttingen.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2023. The etymology of “Manchu”: A critical evaluation of the riverside hypothesis. Karls-Universität, 11.07.2023, Prag.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2022. Longjia: An archaic Sinitic language. Centre de recherches linguistiques sur l’Asie orientale, CRLAO, 25.10.2022, Paris.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2021. Morphosyntactic asymmetries in question answer sequences: Egophoricity and beyond. Conversational priming in language change (Internationaler Workshop), 03–04.12.2020, Köln.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2021. The Eynu language. Language contact in the Altaic world: A multiperspective approach (Internationaler Workshop), Karls-Universität, 19–20.11.2021, Prag.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2021. Typology, Tungusic, and Southwest China. Syntax Semantik Kolloquium, 02.11.2021, Potsdam.
- Hölzl, Andreas & Yadi Hölzl. 2019. Chinese Kyakala: The language and its sources. Using Manchu sources (Internationaler Workshop), Institut für Sinologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 17–18.09.2019, München.
- Hölzl, Andreas & Yadi Hölzl. 2019. The endangered languages of the Manchus. Endangered languages in Northern Asia (Internationaler Workshop), Institut für Turkologie, Freie Universität Berlin, 29–30.11.2019, Berlin.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2018. A typology of question marking in Tungusic. Seminar of Mongolian and Tibetan Studies, Karls-Universität, 22.03.2018, Prag.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2018. Das Mandschurische. Ein diachroner Überblick. Asien-Orient-Institut, Universität Zürich, 16.03.2018, Zürich.
Selected presentations
- Hölzl, Andreas & Dubi Nanda Dhakal. accepted. From interrogative pro-form to initial polar question marker. 18. International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL), 18–19.07.2024, Paris.
- Hölzl, Andreas accepted. Prenominal relative clauses in VO and postnominal genitives in OV languages. Syntax of the World’s Languages 9, 23–26.07.2024, Lima.
- Pregla, Andreas & Andreas Hölzl. accepted. Agent anaphors in Nepali. Syntax of the World’s Languages 9, 23–26.07.2024, Lima.
- Hölzl, Andreas & Mouwèrè Bognana. accepted. Numeral classifiers in Bwamu. Vielfaltslinguistik 6, 14–15.06.2024, Graz.
- Hölzl, Andreas & Nina Adam. 2023. Eliciting data for the OV/VO alternation: Language documentation meets linguistic theory. 29. LIPP-Symposium über „Small Languages on the Big Stage“, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 07–10.12.2023, München.
- Gao, Xinyi & Andreas Hölzl. 2023. The word order of oblique phrases in Sinitic languages of Hunan. Syntax Semantik Kolloquium, Universität Potsdam, 21.11.2023, Potsdam.
- Adam, Nina & Andreas Hölzl. 2023. Consequences of Head Argument Order for Syntax. Workshop on Gisbert Fanselow’s Contributions to Syntactic Theory, 27–29.04.2023, Berlin.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2023. Describing a recently extinct language: The case of Longjia (Sino-Tibetan). Vielfaltslinguistik 5, 19–20.05.2023, Hamburg.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2023. Case marking systems in Sinitic OV languages: Synchrony and diachrony. Explaining the cross-linguistic distribution of argument-coding patterns Potsdam, 21–23.05.2023, Potsdam.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2022. A typological profile of Longjia, an archaic Sinitic language. 14th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT), 15–17.12.2022, Texas at Austin.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2022. Diachronic changes in constructional networks: Evidence from Manchuric nominal morphology. Diachronic Construction Morphology (Internationaler Workshop), 03/04/10/11.11.2022, Online.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2022. The etymology of „Manchu“: A critical evaluation of the riverside hypothesis. The 25th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL), 01–05.08.2022, Oxford.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2022. Unusual word order features in Longjia and Caijia. Syntax Semantik Kolloquium, 26.07.2022, Potsdam.
- Adam, Nina, Andreas Hölzl & Andreas Schmidt. 2022. Aspects of the OV/VO alternation. Alternatives, Contexts, and Variation. Workshop of the linguistic CRCs, 04–05.07.2022, Berlin.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2022. The deictic day-name system in Manchu: Diachrony and typology. Second Conference on the Endangered Languages of East Asia (CELEA): Time in endangered languages and endangered languages through time, 03–05.05.2022, Venedig.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2021. Prenasalization in Longjia. The 34th Paris Meeting on East Asian Linguistics (JLAO), 07–09.07.2021, Paris.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2021. The Lu(ren) languages of Guizhou, China. 9th International Constrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC), 20–21.05.2021, Santa Margherita-Portofino.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2020. Language obsolescence in retrospect: The case of Alchuka. First Conference on the Endangered Languages of East Asia (CELEA), 02–03.09.2020, Venedig.
- Cathcart, Chundra, Andreas Hölzl, Paul Widmer & Balthasar Bickel. 2019. Numeral classifiers and plural marking in Indo-Iranian: An evolutionary study. 13th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT), 04–06.09.2019, Pavia.
- Hölzl, Andreas & Chundra Cathcart. 2019. Sortal numeral classifiers in Central Asia. 13th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT), 04–06.09.2019, Pavia.
- Hölzl, Andreas & Tom Payne. 2018. Introduction to the workshop: The Tungusic language family through the ages. Interdisciplinary perspectives (Internationaler Workshop im Rahmen der SLE 2018), 29.08.–01.09.2018, Tallinn.
- Hölzl, Andreas & Tom Payne. 2018. Conclusion of the workshop: The Tungusic language family through the ages. Interdisciplinary perspectives (Internationaler Workshop im Rahmen der SLE 2018), 29.08.–01.09.2018, Tallinn.
- Bickel, Balthasar, Paul Widmer, Svenja Bonmann, Chundra Cathcart, Andreas Hölzl & Manuel Widmer. 2018. The evolution of Noun Phrases in Indo-Iranian: Empirical foundations and theoretical modeling. Tage der Schweizer Linguistik 12.10.2018, Bern.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2017. A typology of possession in Tungusic. 50th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE), 10–13.09.2017, Zürich.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2017. Kilen: Synchronic and diachronic profile of a mixed language. 24. LIPP-Symposium „Sprachen im Kontakt: gestern – heute – morgen“, 21–23.06.2017, München.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2017. The simplification and complexification of interrogative systems: The case of Tungusic. Language change for the worse (Internationaler Workshop), 25–28.05.2017, München.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2016. A typology of question marking in Northeast Asia. 6th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference (UK-CLC), 19–22.07.2016, Bangor.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2016. Lewin, Asch, and Arnheim: Some thoughts on the history of Cognitive Linguistics. 6th UK Cognitive Linguistics conference (UK-CLC), 19–22.07.2016, Bangor. (Poster.)
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2015. The hunt for polar questions. The 13th International Cognitive Linguistics conference (ICLC), 20–25.07.2015, Newcastle.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2015. Towards a conceptual space of questions. 48th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE), 02–05.09.2015, Leiden.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2015. Hierarchy or conceptual space: Interrogative words in Tungusic. Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association (PCLA), 24–26.09.2015, Lublin.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2015. Towards a new typology of questions. 5. Diskussionsforum Linguistik in Bayern, 05–06.10.2015, München.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2015. Constructionalization areas: The case of negation in Manchu. Grammaticalization meets Construction Grammar (Internationaler Workshop), 08–09.10.2015, Göteborg.
- Hartmann, Stefan & Andreas Hölzl. 2014. Prefixation and force dynamics: A corpus-based study on German prefix constructions. 5th UK Cognitive Linguistics conference (UK-CLC), 29–31.07.2014, Lancaster.
- Hölzl, Andreas. 2014. „What’s your name?“ in Tungusic. The 8th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG). 03–06.09.2014, Osnabrück.
Work as reviewer (without conferences)
- Fonds de la recherche scientifique (F.R.S.-FNRS)
- Advances in Historical Linguistics, Language Science Press
- Review of Oriental Studies
- Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics
- Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio FF – Philologia (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University)
- Bavarian Working Papers in Linguistics (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
- Comprehensive Grammar Library (Language Science Press)
- Constructional Approaches to Language (Benjamins)
- Folia Linguistica (de Gruyter)
- Functions of Language (Benjamins)
- Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (de Gruyter)
- International Journal of Diachronic Linguistics and Linguistic Reconstruction (Reichert)
- Italian Journal of Linguistics
- Language and Cognition (Cambridge University Press)
- Language and Linguistics (Benjamins)
- Languages and Linguistics (Brill)
- Linguistic Typology (de Gruyter)
- Mongolica Pragensia (Charles University)
- Morphology (Springer)
- Saksaha: A Journal of Manchu Studies (University of Michigan)
- Sino-Platonic Papers
- Studies in Diversity Linguistics (Language Science Press)