Adam, N., Hölzl, A., & Schmidt, A. | Aspects of the OV/VO alternation. | 2022 | Paper presented at the "Alternatives, Contexts, and Variation". Workshop of the linguistic CRCs (Berlin). 04 - 05 July. | |
Hölzl, A. | Word order change and mixed directionality in Sino-Tibetan: RelN & VO in Caijia and Longjia. | 2022 | Paper presented at the 25th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. 01 - 05 August. | |
Asztalos, E., Borise, L., Gugán, K., Mus, N., Schmidt, A., & Surányi, B. | Towards more flexible verb-finality via a reanalysis of prosodic structure. | 2022 | Paper presented at the Third AMC Symposium “Change in syntax and phonology: the same or different?”, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK. 05 - 07 December. | |
Asztalos, E., Borise, L., Gugán, K., Mus, N., Schmidt, A., & Surányi, B. | From rigid to flexible verb-finality. A prosodically motivated information-structural account of word order change. | 2022 | Paper presented at the Twenty-Fifth International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL 25) University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. 01 - 05 August. | |
Schmidt, A., Asztalos, E., Borise, L., Gugán, K., Mus, N., & Surányi, B. | From rigid to flexible verb-finality. A prosodically motivated information-structural account of word order change. | 2022 | Paper presented at the Syntax/Semantik-Kolloquium, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany. 21 June. | |
Borise, L., Schmidt, A., & Surányi, B. | A unified account of preverbal foci in the languages of the Caucasus and beyond. | 2022 | Paper presented at the Theoretical Linguistics and Languages of the Caucasus (TLLC), Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turky. 18 - 19 June. | |
Schmidt, A. | South Sámi in the typology of SAuxOV languages. | 2022 | Paper presented at the Syntax of Uralic Languages 4, Online, 14 – 16 June. | |
Asztalos, E., Borise, L., Gugán, K., Mus, N., Schmidt, A., & Surányi, B. | From rigid to flexible verb-finality. A prosodically motivated information-structural account of word order change. | 2022 | Paper presented at the Syntax of Uralic Languages 4, Online. 14 – 16 June. | |
Borise, L., Schmidt, A., & Surányi, B. | Raised and in-situ preverbal foci. A unified account. | 2022 | Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference Prominence in Language, Universität zu Köln, SFB 1252, Cologne, Germany. 02 - 03 June. | |
Borise, L., Schmidt, A., & Surányi, B. | Raised and in-situ preverbal foci. A unified prosodic account. | 2022 | Paper presented at the General Linguistic Colloquium, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany. 04 May. | |
Borise, L., Schmidt, A., & Surányi, B. | Raised and in-situ preverbal foci. A unified prosodic account. | 2022 | Poster presented at the 45th Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW 45) Colloquium, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK. 27 – 29 April. | |
Hölzl, A. | Unusual word order features in Longjia and Caijia. | 2022 | Paper presented at the SynSem Colloquium, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany. 26 July. | |
Hölzl, A. | Case marking systems in Sinitic OV languages: Synchrony and diachrony. | 2023 | Paper presented at the "Explaining the cross-linguistic distribution of argument-coding patterns" (EDAP 2023), University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany. 21-23 May. | |
Adam, N., & Hölzl, A. | Consequences of Head Argument Order for Syntax. | 2023 | Paper presented at the Workshop on Gisbert Fanselow’s Contributions to Syntactic Theory, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 27-29 April. | |
Gao, X., & Hölzl, A. | The word order of oblique phrases in Sinitic languages of Hunan. | 2023 | Paper presented at the SynSem Colloquium, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany. 21 November. | |
Hölzl, A., & Bognana, M. | Numeral classifiers in Bwamu. | 2024 | Paper presented at the Vielfaltslinguistik 6, University of Graz, Graz, Austria. 14-15 June. | |
Pregla, A., & Hölzl, A. | Agent anaphors in Nepali. | 2024 | Paper presented at the Syntax of the World's Languages IX, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru, Lima, Peru, 23-26 July. | |
Hölzl, A. | Prenominal relative clauses in VO and postnominal genitives in OV languages. | 2024 | Paper presented at the Syntax of the World's Languages IX, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru, Lima, Peru, 23-26 July. | |
Hölzl, A. | Correlative relative clauses: Their definition and correlation with OV order. | 2024 | Paper presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE 2024), University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finnland. 21-24 August. | |