
AMLaP 2020Qualitative vs. Quantitative Individual Differences: Implications for Cognitive Control by Jeff Rouder
AMLaP 2020Day 3
AMLaP 2020Day 2
AMLaP 2020Day 1
AMLaP 2020Lateralization of prosodic processing in individuals with unilateral brain damage by Project B01
Barbara Höhle, Alan Langus, Tom Fritzsche in Portal Wissen ZWEI 2022Lehrreiches Stimmengewirr – Im Potsdamer BabyLab – Laborbesuch (statt) Selbstversuch
Intro – Project A02Grammatical processing and syntactic change
Intro – Project B04Variability in Turkish-German Bilinguals
Joint Colloquium SFB 1287 and SFB 1294 by Nikolaus KriegeskorteCognitive computational neuroscience of vision
Shravan VasishthComputational models of retrieval processes: an evalutation using benchmark data
Shravan VasishthDependency completion in sentence processing: Some recent computational and empirical investigations
Shravan Vasishth at the 2018 ISBA World MeetingType M error in practice: A case study
SMLP 2020The 'new' Science: transparent, cumulative, and collaborative by Christina Bergmann
SMLP 2020Robust Cognitive Models by Jeff Rouder


Universität Potsdam Department Linguistik Prof. Dr. Doreen Georgi Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 24-25 Haus 14, Raum 3.33 14476 Potsdam
(+49) 331 977-2968